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How to Prepare for Flying Ants & Termites in O’Fallon, IL!

How to Prepare for Flying Ants & Termites in O'Fallon, IL!

It’s Spring Season – Termites and Flying Ants are Ready in O’Fallon IL

Flying AntsEveryone loves spring sports. But no one likes termites or flying ants. They come to light each spring and are unfortunately unavoidable. As winter fades away and temperatures rise, so do those pesky bugs and insects. Here is what you need to watch out for this upcoming spring.

A homeowner’s nightmare is to wake up with a spring swarm destroying their home. Luckily, with the help of our team at Brady Pest, we have a solution. These swarms and insects can be eliminated without destroying your home. The first step in this process is to identify the insect responsible for the damage.

Flying Ants

The difference in these swarmer insects can determine the level of alarm one must concern themselves with. Flying ants can be a major concern because that may mean they are nesting and foraging activity. It can also mean that they are not wood-destroying organisms like termites.


Termites rely on wood sources for survival. They can quickly and easily eat away at structural timbers within your home. If not caught or treated quickly, these termites can cause a considerable and expensive amount of damage.

Controlling the Situation

Flying Ants – These can quickly and affordably go away with the professional assistance of an experienced pest control company such as ours.

Termites – Termites that have caused structural damage can be costly projects and require professional assistance throughout the process. Our team at Brady Pest has experience with termite removal and control. Contact our office today and a member of our staff will be out to assist you.

Watch for Swarms – Call Before It’s Too late

Termite Infestation Spring O'Fallon, ILThe best thing you can do to prevent termite damage and flying ants from attacking your home is to watch out for swarms each spring. This is the earliest and easiest way to protect your home and your wallet.

If you see signs of swarmer flying ants or termites, you need to call a professional right away to investigate the situation. All too often homeowners make the mistake of classifying them wrong before it’s too late. It’s common for people to vacuum and sweep away the “flying ant” piles when they’re actually termites and they’re causing significant damage to your home. So how do you tell the difference?

Watch Out For These Characteristics:

  1. Ants will have an “elbowed” shaped antenna and the termites do not.
  2. Ant has clearly defined segmented body parts such as pinched waists.
  3. Termites’ bodies are more “cigar” shaped.
  4. Ants will have a pair of short wings and a pair of long wings.
  5. Termite wings are all the same size.

Call Brady Pest right away if you start to notice the signs of a springtime swarm. Especially if you are unaware of the classification of the insects you are seeing. Rest assured that no matter what, our team can eliminate the problem in an affordable and timely manner. Contact our office, today!

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