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Entomology Certified Termite & Pest Specialists

Brady Pest Solutions

Termite Inspection Company for Real Estate Sales Report

Termite Inspections & Pre-Treatment Services

When it comes to buying and selling real estate, a termite inspection is a huge part of closing the deal. Due to the amount of damage that termites can cause, many buyers are reluctant to go through with deals that require extensive repair for termite damage, which can run into the tens of thousands. The cost of repairs is why it’s so important to hire a trusted termite inspection company to ensure the property you want is free and clear before you move in.

Real Estate Clearance Letters

In almost all real estate transactions, a termite inspection is required for the loan to go through. This letter often referred to as a “Termite Letter” or “WDI Report,” also provides clearance of the home for other wood-boring insects too. Brady Pest Solutions has a great reputation with local real estate professionals for thorough evaluations.

Furthermore, if the inspection yields a failing grade, we offer the fast and easy pest solutions needed to clear the home of termites. However, your purchase will depend on the total damage caused, which could be expensive. Call us for the termites and call your local remodeling professional for an estimate on the damage.

Termite Pre-Treatment for New Construction

Building a new home or business structure? Want to protect your new property from future termite damage and add value as well? Then look no further!

Brady Pest Solutions uses a unique method of pre-treatment that involves no toxic materials. While many companies apply toxic liquid chemicals using less than label requirements our two-step process will offer the best protection in the industry. It is simply safe and while the liquid toxic chemicals will eventually break down our protection works for a lifetime.

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