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Entomology Certified Termite & Pest Specialists

Typical Ants in Edwardsville, IL

Typical Ants in Edwardsville, IL

Common Ants in Edwardsville IL

AntsSpringtime means it’s the ants’ favorite time. Here are the most common ant types to look out for this spring and summer season. In addition, it’s essential to know the difference, so you know their threats and when to call our team at Brady Pest for ant control.

The Argentine Ant

They are dark brown and black. They are shiny, and they tend to build their nests around wet ecosystems and environments.

Little Black Ants

These little guys are dark brown to jet black. They are one of the most common household ones.

Red Imported Fire Ants

These are dark reddish-brown, and they are capable of biting and stinging whomever they see as a threat.

Carpenter Ants

These insects are a combination of colors, and they are known for the ways they construct and build their nests in the wood of people’s homes.


Pavement Ants

These are dark brown and black, and they are known for building their nests around and beneath driveways, sidewalks, and roads

Pharaoh Ants

These are pale yellow, and they can spread several dangerous diseases.

How to Keep Ants from Getting in Your Home

  1. Seal gaps and cracks in the exterior of your home by a professional or by using a caulking gun
  2. Repair or replace damaged weather stripping, torn window/door screens, and broken door sweeps all-around your home.
  3. Address any moisture problems around your home.
  4. Keep your grass well-trimmed, and make sure your landscaping is maintained correctly.
  5. Store any leftover food inside airtight and sealed containers.
  6. Make sure that your trash cans have form-fitting and tightly secured lids.
  7. Pick up and clean out your pet’s water and food dishes after each use.

If you are still experiencing a problem after these steps are taken, give your local and trusted team at Brady Pest a call today!

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