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Entomology Certified Termite & Pest Specialists

Seeing Spiders in Maryville, Illinois?

Seeing Spiders in Maryville, Illinois?

Spiders & How to Treat Them for Maryville IL Homeowners

What all Maryville IL Homeowners Should Know About Spiders

SpidersNo one really likes spiders. It is true that they all have fangs and venom. However, there are only two of them in the United States that can become a serious medical threat. Those are the black widow and brown recluse spiders. Brown recluse spiders can often be referred to as violin, fiddle back, or brown spiders.

If you are noticing an increase in spiders in your home, contact our specialists to schedule an inspection.

Scheduling Your Inspection

The first step in our termination services is to identify and determine the level of infestation. A member of our staff will look for areas that are conducive to spider activity, check for cobwebs, and further track down evidence. After your inspection, together we will develop the best treatment plan.

Treatments for Spiders

The most common treatment form is to apply dust into your wall’s voids. This eliminates the possibility of spiders hiding in these voids. This may require moving furniture around and talking wall plates off.


When trying to control spider treatments, it’s important to know that it doesn’t happen overnight. Our professionals will apply glue boards in specific locations to help monitor spider activity.

Securing the Perimeter

Our team of professionals will also take the precaution of treating the outside of your home. We ensure perimeter treatments work to keep spiders from coming into your home. We will spray your exterior walls, foundational walls, landscaping, garage door seal, voids under structures, and other potentially compromised areas.

Spider Bite Prevention

As we stated before, spiders are not removed overnight. Below is a list of precautionary things you can do to keep spiders from biting and hiding throughout your home.

  • Keep all clothing off the floor
  • Remove bed skirts
  • Keep your bedding from touching the floor
  • Avoid clutter in rooms
  • Vacuum under furniture regularly
  • Shake your shoes and clothing before wearing them
  • Carefully remove and inspect items taken out of storage
  • Schedule annual spider removal service.

If You Get Bit by Spiders

If you happen to get bitten, apply ice to the bite wound and seek medical attention. Brown recluse spider bites often will have an ulcer, blister, or painful mark in the center of the bite. This will be the easiest way for you to recognize them if you did not see the spider when it bit you.

Contact Brady Pest

If you notice that you have a spider infestation in your home, call our office to get started on preventative action. We will provide you with a free consultation and our expert opinion on different courses of action. Follow us on Facebook!


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