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Best ways to prevent and eliminate stinging insects in Edwardsville, IL

Stinging Insects from Pestering your Edwardsville, IL area home

How to keep stinging insects from pestering your Edwardsville, IL area home

Let’s face it, nobody enjoys being stung. Stings from certain insects can not only be painful, in many cases they can cause severe reactions, even death. In addition to the obligatory mosquito, many more stinging insects can ruin your day. Edwardsville, IL., is no exception. There are plenty of pests you should beware of, avoid and eliminate if possible.

Stinging insects like bees and hornets send more than 500,000 people to the emergency room each year. These pests are especially active during the second half of summer and early fall when the colonies forage for food that will sustain their queens during the winter.

Six Species of Stinging Insects You Do Not Want to See Around your Edwardsville, IL. Home

Whether flying or crawling, these stinging insects are not to be played with and certainly not to be underestimated in their ability to cause extreme pain and even death. Also, every one of these pesky critters is common to the Midwest, including Edwardsville, IL.

Bees and Stinging Insects

Three Types of Bees You Don't Want to Meet

Bumble Bees – are quite aggressive in defense of their nests. The bumblebee sting is one of the most painful and unlike honey bees, bumblebees can sting more than once.

Carpenter Bees – Carpenter bees are a serious property threat, as they can cause structural damage over time if left untreated. Female carpenter bees have a potent stinger.

Africanized Bees – Better known as “killer bees”, these bees are arguably the most dangerous bees in the world, responsible each year, for the deaths of many pets and even humans.

Hornets & Wasps

Wasps, Hornets, and Other Stinging InsectsYellowjackets – There are several species of Yellowjackets, many living in nests that can contain 4,000 hornets or more. Yellowjackets are extremely territorial and can sting repeatedly. Many times their stings cause severe allergic reactions which can even lead to death.

Bald-Faced Hornets – The Bald-Faced Hornet is actually a wasp. More docile than other yellowjackets, the hornet is extremely protective of its nest and will sting repeatedly if disturbed.

Paper Wasps – not an aggressive species by nature, paper wasps will sting if they are disturbed or their nest is threatened. Their stings are painful and carry the same risk of allergic reaction as other insect stings.

There are many more stinging insects that pose a potential risk to humans and pets. The bottom line is that eliminating these pests should be left to professionals.

If you find a stinging insect nest on your property, don’t disturb it, and don’t panic. Reach out to us, call Brady Pest and Termite Management at (618) 343-1790. Let us take care of your insect problems for good.

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