How to Handle Carpenter Bees in Edwardsville, IL
Common Carpenter Bees If during this particular season you have been noticing large furry bees around your Edwardsville, IL home, then you are not alone.
Common Carpenter Bees If during this particular season you have been noticing large furry bees around your Edwardsville, IL home, then you are not alone.
We serve the Maryville, Illinois area, and we have noticed a few stinging insects are common, including carpenter bees, yellow jackets, mud daubers, and yellow
Carpenter Bee Information for Maryville, IL Area Homeowners When you think of bees, the first types that probably come to mind are honeybees and bumblebees.
Know the threats and identifiers of carpenter bees and carpenter ants The destruction caused by carpenter bees and carpenter ants looks very similar. Both carve